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WP by bluehost Builder Review

Top10.com Staff

In a Nutshell

Bluehost are based in Utah, and currently have over 700 members of staff, all dedicated to providing top notch cloud based internet solutions to their customers. They’ve come a long way since their inception in 2003, where they provided only basic hosting solutions, and now offer a full portfolio of internet products, including shared hosting, VPS, dedicated solutions and WordPress hosting.


  • Thousands of design templates
  • Unlimited space and bandwidth
  • Excellent support and community forums


  • Requires a larger learning curve
  • Most useful for WordPress users

Bluehost+ Wordpress at a Glance

Editor Score


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Website Packages

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Customer Service

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Since 2005, Bluehost and WordPress have collaborated to help build beautifully designed websites with lightning fast and reliable hosting.

Features List

One-Click Installs
Recommended by WordPress
Thousands of Design Templates
Free Domain
Custom Website Design
Google Analytics Site Stats
Full Use of Mojo Marketplace
24/7 Customer Support
E-commerce Applications
Money-Back Guarantee

Website Building Features: Templates , Design & Content Management:

One of the strongest aspects of using WordPress to build your website is the ability to choose from literally thousands of templates and themes. Some more niche for specific business use, such as a restaurant template; some more broad, offering the ability to make your site your own. Choose from hundreds of theme ideas, and adapt your choice with your own specific branding such as a color scheme or a logo. For those with more advanced coding skills, you can customize every aspect of your chosen template.

With the help of Mojo Marketplace, Bluehost allow you to use your WordPress builder to include dozens of plugins and add-ons to your website. One-click install gives you access to SEO tools, Google analytics, social sharing apps such as Facebook and Twitter integration, as well as powerful ecommerce capabilities if you are looking to build an online store.

Primarily a blogging tool, your website can be used to keep your SEO fresh in moments, with easy publishing tools for blogs and new content. Upload media content with a simple drag and drop interface, or use YouTube to embed video directly onto the page.

Additional Features:

Bluehost has been recommended as a hosting choice since 2005, and it’s easy to see why.
With options for unlimited websites, website space, bandwidth and both parked and subdomains, as well as email accounts and email storage, it is a main contender for WordPress hosting. The Business Pro package includes 1 SSL for ecommerce websites, 1 dedicated IP and SiteBackup Pro for your own peace of mind. Hundreds of dollars of marketing credits are included with both Plus and Pro subscriptions, as well as SpamExperts for the best in your online safety.

Bluehost+ Wordpress Bluehost+ Wordpress Visit Site

Pricing Concerns:

There are three plans available with Bluehost. All three come with unlimited bandwidth. The starter plan is the most basic, and is $3.95/month, a great option for beginners wanting to try out the hosting platform, and get used to building a website. The most popular option is the Plus, which is $6.95/month. If you are looking to sell online, you will want the reliability and security of the Business Pro subscription, which comes with a security certificate, and is reasonably priced at $14.95/month.

Customer Support and Service:

Bluehost are known for their excellent customer service and support. Your first port of call should be the knowledgebase, which allows you to search vast amounts of information on every aspect of hosting and using Mojo Marketplace, which includes WordPress. There are also forums in the Bluehost Community section, allowing you to get information from other users.

Submit a ticket for help with a specific enquiry, or call toll free directly to speak to a specialist. You can also access live chat from the website, which will helpfully tell you exactly how long you need to wait to get a response. Remember, as WordPress is such a popular website builder, you should be able to use the internet more widely to find out the answer to almost any question you can think of!

Top10.com's editorial staff is a professional team of editors, writers and experts with dozens of years of experience covering consumer, financial and business products and services.
Bluehost+ Wordpress

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